Monday, March 26, 2007

Porta Bello's Cooperstown Was BIG FUN!!!!!

We got into town on Saturday around 5pm. This was a great thing because we needto set up the sound before Debbie started to serve dinner. I worked with Danny Liberto and Joe Fico. We had alot of fun. The show started at the restaurant with a small crowd (under 20) but Danny had a great opening set. He asked the question " Where are the Bush supporters"? Thie response was good some some against. The biggest applause came from the two people at the front table from Connecticut. Joe Fico featured for us. Joe was funny as hell! He was, just as we all were, struggling with the thought of watching his language. Dan and I enjoyed that quite a bit. Half way through joe's set the couple in the front left. When Danny came back up, His opening line was "I feel like John Kerry, I just lost Connecticut"!!!
Danny brought me up to a Wild round of applause. Well actually two people were clapping but it was loud!! I had alot of fun. The folks from the bed and breakfast were cool. Older couple that laughed at everything. They are where I focused my attention. I wish I could say that we sold tons of stuff afterwards but NOT.