Monday, May 07, 2007

The Phelps Hotel!!!!

Built in 1868!!! HOLY CRAP! This was so fun. The show was a fund raiser for "A Chemical Free Graduation" for the Mid Lakes High school Class of 2007.
Dan Viola open the show and was fantastic. His bit about achronyms was hysterical. The Dan, being a teacher, fit in just perfectly. Joey Fico captivated the crowd with his wit and ability to take the fact the he is a little big. I enjoyed the hell out of myself. The crowd sparked right up to the bathroom humor. I mentioned the fact that they have a sign on one dor that said "Restroom and Handicap Exit"!!!! The best was the sign in the parking lot that stated "Any Motor vehicles left unmoved for over 96 hours will be towed!!!!!!
96 HOURS?????????.
All in all a Geat Show. The food at the restaurant smelled and looked Phenominal and the prices were good. I would love to play here again!!!!


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